Monday, March 25, 2013

Fresh Snow

Now, please don't think I'm wishing for fresh snow or that we were enjoying it lately!  These photos were taken over a week ago lol

It was one of those wonderful-almost-spring days where, yet again, we got more snow.  We were all feeling a little sorry for ourselves.  Then Jason told me to get the camera 'cause he was turning the day around.  He told the kids to get their snow suits on and we all headed into the back yard (me in my socks and t-shirt) where Jason promptly launched himself off the deck into the snow bank!  We all laughed, then Averan did a belly flop into another bank and Aleyce jumped into the bank where her dad had been.  After a couple leaps, Jason decided he needed to again show the kids how it's done and he picked each of them up and threw them further away into fresh banks (yup, there were that many in our yard!).  The photos are priceless and the laughs were even moreso. 

I ended up with too many photos to put on a single layout, so I decided to do layouts for each of them using the same "recipe."  Jason's layout incorporates some of the same papers from the kids' layouts too.  Kind of a fun way to bring them together and this way, the memory will be incorporated into 3 of our albums (Aleyce, Averan and Us2-Jason & I share an album).  The best part of doing it this way is that I was able to quickly reproduce the layouts after designing the first one which was inspired by a Becky Fleck sketch. 

So which one is your favourite?

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